Baby steps towards Children Oral Hygiene

Dental Myth

During our childhood, there was a popular lady in our locality who was renowned as “Daater Poka Jharano Mashi” (A lady who could take out worm from tooth cavity)! So, naturally, whenever a child complained about toothache, she was immediately called out to get the child rid of that bad worm causing the pain! And, there were roots of some secret plants she carried in her mysterious kitty. She used to put these roots on the affected tooth to bring out the hidden worm while whispering some words in the ears of the child. There are many more such superstitions and myths around oral health issues in India.

Well! That mysterious lady doesn’t exist anymore but the myths do exist and children do still suffer from toothache and many other dental problems that need to be taken care of scientifically! 

Ignored Child Oral Hygiene

Many Indian parents still believe that they don’t need to take their kids to Dentist until there is a big problem. Usually, the parents think that if a child is not complaining about any teeth problem so there’s no need to visit a dentist at such an early age. Some even think that their child will be scared of the dentist! They feel the ‘baby teeth’ doesn’t require any serious attention as they are going to fall out by the age of 6 or 7 years. 

When do we remember a dentist? Some of the reasons which usually drive us to a Dentist are - a painful toothache, heavily bleeding gum or a cavity that cannot be ignored anymore. A huge share of Indian population don’t visit a dentist regularly until and unless there is any emergency. Oral health is still neglected in India. Only 2% of India’s population bothers to visit a dentist regularly even if it is a minor toothache. 

The problem of bad teeth starts early if proper care is not taken at the right time. Gum disease affects 95% of India’s population and half of the population do not brush their teeth twice a day. 

Mothers do feed the babies during their nap time, which is not a good sign towards baby’s oral health. The baby bottles should not be used as a substitute of pacifier as it can lead to tooth decay. 

Child’s First Dentist Visit

A child should have his/her first visit to the dentist when their first milk teeth emerges as the risk of tooth decay starts immediately. That should not be delayed after the age of 1 years. The dentist and child will get to know each other when the doctor check your baby’s bite, gums as well as other mouth parts to ensure a proper oral health. It also gives the parents the opportunity to ask about baby teeth care, the right technique of brushing as well as other oral health aspects.

Baby steps to take care of Baby Teeth

When a baby smiles with his/her first pair of teeth, it is a heavenly bliss and you would love to capture that sparkling moment. But it is a big responsibility to take care and protect this sweet smile with correct knowledge so that the child doesn’t grow up with a bad smile and oral hygiene! 

All the new parents struggle with some basic questions and confusions while taking care of their baby’s oral hygiene. The following tips can help you to make a big difference towards your baby’s dental health-

Parents should avoid using same utensils for the children when they are suffering from dental issues like gingivitis. The child can get infected even if they are touched or kissed in such health condition.

The baby’s gums need to be wiped with a clean and wet washcloth or fresh gauze pad after each feeding. It stimulates good oral health and prevents bacterial growth. 

Avoid using fingers directly to clean your baby’s teeth. You can rather opt for small piece of muslin or finger brush to clean your baby’s teeth before they are introduced to brushing.

A baby toothbrush with a small head and soft nylon bristles can be a good option as it will reach all parts of the baby’s mouth comfortably. It should be moistened with water before using.

Dentists suggest toothpaste for the babies only after the age of 2 years when they learn to spit. 

After that a rice grain-size amount of low fluoride or fluoride free toothpaste can be given.

The baby should not go to bed with fruit juice or formula (tooth decaying sugars exist in them) rather water can be given. 

Flossing once a day should start when two teeth erupts side by side. 

Weaning the baby off the bottle is can be started at the age of 9 months to avoid “baby bottle tooth decay”, which is very tough to repair.

A decayed and dental cavity in babies can lead to tooth extraction or root canal if not treated on time. So, it is better to take them to dentist at the early stage. 

Fruit juice or sweet drinks contain sugar that causes tooth decay so it is better to avoid them before the baby turns 1 year old. 

Mothers should avoid kissing babies on the lips as they will be transmitting oral bacteria to their child leading to dental caries in toddlers.

Your baby is in this world to spread smile and happiness and it’s your responsibility to check that the baby gets proper dental and oral care. Develop a friendly relation between your child and the dentist evading the fear and anxiety that most kids endure! Get yourself enriched with preventive education and dental care as oral health is a reflection of the physiological, psychological and social elements that are essential to a quality life. 



  1. Hey!! Nice post. Thanks for the post. My younger brother also facing the problems due to teeth plaque and looking for Child Dentist in Gurgaon, India. Your article really good and help me to understand more about teeth and oral health.

  2. Thank you so much to share such an amazing and informative article about Child dentists. Keep us updating with more interesting articles.


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