Baby steps towards Children Oral Hygiene

Dental Myth During our childhood, there was a popular lady in our locality who was renowned as “Daater Poka Jharano Mashi” (A lady who could take out worm from tooth cavity)! So, naturally, whenever a child complained about toothache, she was immediately called out to get the child rid of that bad worm causing the pain! And, there were roots of some secret plants she carried in her mysterious kitty. She used to put these roots on the affected tooth to bring out the hidden worm while whispering some words in the ears of the child. There are many more such superstitions and myths around oral health issues in India. Well! That mysterious lady doesn’t exist anymore but the myths do exist and children do still suffer from toothache and many other dental problems that need to be taken care of scientifically! Ignored Child Oral Hygiene Many Indian parents still believe that they don’t need to take their kids to Dentist until there is a big problem. Usually, the paren...